Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Slow Poke!

I woke up a bit late today, just because I still feel woosy. I had a research participation thing for my psychology class and it starts at 9. I was speeding so fast I was 12 minutes late..parked in the handicap parking with my emergency lights on and ran inside just to see if they would still let me do it. She was so nice did not even bring up me being late. I finished the survey which was on how I feel about my body image. After that was done, I drove the car to another spot but I could not find one so I parked it near a spot and ran inside because I felt like throwing up. I had another survey, but as I am passing I see my car from the window..and there was a white paper...A TICKET!? like seriously? it ruined my mood I went out looked at it..only 15 bucks but still..talked to the lady in the security office.she said it was a fire hazard...what a BEEEPPP. anywhoo after that I actually went to class instead of skipping. Went to a presentation that my psych professor was presenting about body image once again and her research. Drove home..saw tiny started to snow.greaaaattt. I hate snow btw, too cold for me. Then I took my mommy to the doc, then to the hospital for an x-ray and back home. Doing random things to keep me busy, and just seconds ago I got a phone call from Rita's Water Ice ( I called because they were hiring), and he wants to set up an interview. So excited, I hope I can manage everything. I wish I lived in Abington, it would be so much easier..but since it costs some money that I don't have..I have to manage. yyayyayyyyy perfect way to end the night..having hope that I might be employed again. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So I came really early to school today to rent out books from the library to study because I have two exams today. However, I kind of didn’t do what I was supposed to and was stuck watching videos on YouTube. You guys should def. check him out. He is cute;] and hilarious. I tried to not laugh loud in the library.
 I seemed to get sicker and sicker as the hours went by. I missed my exam this morning because I could not get up. It was sweet though. My mom was sick and slept next to me for a bit and I hugged her and felt a lot better.  Now I’m listening to Jack Johnson on my phone and trying to contact my professor about the exam I missed. Blehh I do not feel good at all. I cannot keep my head up and all I want to do is throw up. Well not really I hate the feeling of throwing up.
One thing that did make me a bit happy was I got an A- on my History exam, which was all essay based. Montco screwed me over last night. I went to pay my second part of the tuition, because I am on a payment plan. They are saying I did not pay the first part. WHAT!? My dad was charged 300 bucks for it and everything, how could they say I did not pay. Extremely pissed I called them, but of course they would not be open when I needed them. So I have to do that as well tonight. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Every year goes by and it gives us time to reflect on all the great things that happened and all the tragic events. I had a crazy year with both those things involved. I started last year thinking it would be the best year of my life. I was in the best relationship ever with my high school crush. I joined the bowling team at school and actually felt involved. It was my senior year and I thought it would be just rocking. I was wrong! I had dreams of Prom for as long as I could remember. I had gotten the tickets and persuaded my close friends to go as well. I have the typical desi parents who do not like the idea of guys and girls mixing and all that jazz. So couple of days before prom I went to the mall with him, I have no idea why I chose to do that and yup…I got caught. Got into so much trouble, I just cannot talk about that.  Anywhoo because of that my life kinda went mom had surgery and made me feel guilty of going to prom while she was in pain. Both the getting in trouble and the mom issue resulted in me staying at home while all my friends got dolled up for prom. I cried a lot. Now all I have is $180 dollar worth tickets and not actually going to prom. GAYY!! After that incident, they were always on my case. I was in grounded mode for the longest time. And then that fall I started college and thought finally I am on my own and more free..yeah not happening. I was stick stuck with depression and a bunch of other crazy things. SOOOO this year I really wanted to turn things around, I wanted to write my list and make sure I stick to it. I will keep you guys updated when I check one off.  Therefore, this is in no order of importance, just whatever I could think of at the top of my 1.      Be happy
2.      Lose weight
3.       Get a haircut
4.       Go to the dentist
5.       Get invisalign
6.       Get straight A’s this semester
7.       Apply to Thomas Jefferson University
8.       Get in Thomas Jefferson University
9.       Get a job
10.   Be more artistic and crafty
11.   Finish art projects that you never finished
12.   Make more money
13.   Make a new youtube account
14.   Gain trust from parents again
15.   Send Ellen a letter
16.   Meet Ellen DeGeneres
17.   Go to the beach
18.   Relax more and not stress so much
19.   Help someone turn their life around (for the better of course)
20.   Do something in front of a large crowd
21.   Start a charity
22.   Remodel the house
23.   Learn how to swim
24.  Overcome your fears (snakes, heights)
25.   Do a “apple store dance” video
26.   Get a car
27.   to be continued..
So yeah it seems like a lot, but I feel like there is A LOT more that I want to get done this year. I will keep you all updated.
YAY to a NEW YEAR!!! Good luck to everyone in achieving all your goals.. xoxo Nishi

Failure Once Again!

So here I am in February, sitting bored with so many things that I need to get done but do not have the ounce of energy to do so. My last post was on the New Year and I could not post anything because I turned nineteen that day, and I was hanging with close friends. My sisters threw a surprise party for me. It was small, nothing fancy. Each day I think about what I would write for my blog, but I have no idea why I am so lazy to sit down and write it out. I will be mega posting from now on, and I will try my best to actually stick to that this time.
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