Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good

So another thing I did within this month was hang out with my best friend, which we have not gotten the chance to in forevers. I picked her up from the train station, and then we went to a wawa, and started our day drinking coffee ( i had a frap..its nice and cold). We rushed into a Rite Aid to get eyeliner because half my eyeliner smudged off because it was raining, got the most crappiest one because it was cheap but I think dollar store  has better quality than this one, it hurt to put on, whatever,then we were off to my old high school to pick up my transcript. After that we drove to our community college to hand in the transcripts and pick out some classes for the next semester, I was in line after line trying to find out what to do it was chaotic, well after we finally got situated, we were hungry and went to go eat. I am so confuzzeled on where I want to eat because I don't eat out normally so I do not know the quality and price of some places, we ended up going to Ruby Tuesdays, didn't have much and then when it came down to pay for the food we didn't have a lot of change to give the waitress her tip. She was awesome we only had a couple coins. I used the crappy eyeliner to write her a note on the back of the receipt. Said we were sorry and what nots ha I don't know made me feel a bit better, and then we ran out of there. We had to go potty so bad we went into the furniture store and the guy came up to us to ask if we were getting anything, we asked if they had a restroom, he laughed but showed us the way. Then as we thought we were ending the adventure, I had to drop her off and her mom thought she was at school, she gets off at the train station. I went detective mode, and parked my car away from the entrance ran in the rain to ask if the train came yet, and her mom's van was right there at the entrance, I told her the good/bad news about the train not coming yet and her mom being there, she called her mom to tell her that the train didn't come yet and we saw her mom leave, and then just as she left the train came I got her out of my car and acted like none of the day happened. We said our byes and I went home. i love her to death. best friends foreverrss <3

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