Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good

So another thing I did within this month was hang out with my best friend, which we have not gotten the chance to in forevers. I picked her up from the train station, and then we went to a wawa, and started our day drinking coffee ( i had a frap..its nice and cold). We rushed into a Rite Aid to get eyeliner because half my eyeliner smudged off because it was raining, got the most crappiest one because it was cheap but I think dollar store  has better quality than this one, it hurt to put on, whatever,then we were off to my old high school to pick up my transcript. After that we drove to our community college to hand in the transcripts and pick out some classes for the next semester, I was in line after line trying to find out what to do it was chaotic, well after we finally got situated, we were hungry and went to go eat. I am so confuzzeled on where I want to eat because I don't eat out normally so I do not know the quality and price of some places, we ended up going to Ruby Tuesdays, didn't have much and then when it came down to pay for the food we didn't have a lot of change to give the waitress her tip. She was awesome we only had a couple coins. I used the crappy eyeliner to write her a note on the back of the receipt. Said we were sorry and what nots ha I don't know made me feel a bit better, and then we ran out of there. We had to go potty so bad we went into the furniture store and the guy came up to us to ask if we were getting anything, we asked if they had a restroom, he laughed but showed us the way. Then as we thought we were ending the adventure, I had to drop her off and her mom thought she was at school, she gets off at the train station. I went detective mode, and parked my car away from the entrance ran in the rain to ask if the train came yet, and her mom's van was right there at the entrance, I told her the good/bad news about the train not coming yet and her mom being there, she called her mom to tell her that the train didn't come yet and we saw her mom leave, and then just as she left the train came I got her out of my car and acted like none of the day happened. We said our byes and I went home. i love her to death. best friends foreverrss <3

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I quit!

I'm so ready to quit, I don't like working at a retail place during the holidays! It has its positives with bunch of hours which means more money. Then again it has its negatives with the crazy schedules and not being able to leave whenever you were scheduled to leave. I met up with my one friend that used to work at J.C. Penney and now she is a co-manager of Body Central. She told me to apply and I will get on that ASAP..finally a nice place to shop while you work ;]
 this is coolioo

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Omg it has been soo dang crazy with all these hours that I have been working. Working during the closing hours is horrible because we have to fold everything and make sure everything is perfect! This is dumb because it will look just like that the next day. I feel like the retail stores should hire night shift people or graveyard shift, whatever you want to call it, so that I can leave and go home while someone else comes in to fold and what nots. I have been closing until one in the morning two days in a row. My manager let me go home at 12:45 because I had work today at 8:45, so I had like 6 hours of sleep. It was awesome! sike I seriously am tired of working it is pissing me off. Speaking of getting pissed off, they get my schedule wrong and when I need off because I have an exam on the next day she bitched at me through the phone and like hung up. I hate when someone yells at me, it hurts me and I get so emotional.

One girl has been talking to the manager about me saying that I take too many breaks. WHAT?! Just because you do not see me putting away clothes does not give you the right to think that I am on a break.

I have amazing days like when the customers are nice and I get mentioned in the surveys. Which are awesome because every time I am mentioned I get paid five bucks, and the customer gets a fifteen percent off coupon. Then there are those days where everything is horrible; managers spying on ya to see if you are doing what you are suppose to, piles of clothes everywhere, as if cant people put it back nicely grrrr. I had a parent come up to me looking for his daughter, I had goose bumps called up the manager and we called her through the intercom and fortunately she came by.

When I get my paycheck and it is like four hundred dollars for those two weeks, but man taxes took out 95 bucks from me! I could have gotten around five hundred. My money is going towards my tuition so I guess there is nothing to be happy about.. sheesh.. This is what growing up means..I hate it.

speaking of escalators...

Fail on blogging

Hola, so yeah I have been ridiculously busy that I have not posted anything in exactly a month! So I will try my bestest to pick it back up again.. so the pictures relates to the video I posted on it snowing in October. When I took the video the snow was not sticking what so ever..and after a couple hours it started to pile up, and my little sister took these pictures and they came out beautiful. It was funny because the next day all the snow melted.

Friday, November 11, 2011


OH MY GOOOODNESSS! I have been waiting for this day for too long. See, I'm the typical girl who wishes on 11:11 and hopes that they come true. (Some did..just took years to do so haha). I truly hope this day goes by smooth with no problemos. I have work, an essay due, and a meeting with my advisor..I don't like how this is going.

Anywhoo, I get e-mail notifications from Things Remembered on updates to sales or new products. Right now if you go in and engrave 11-11-11 its FREE!..You saved yourself six bucks! Those who have special memories for this day are lucky (weddings, b-days, or w.e). Me on the other hand, just want a bracelet to day that date, who knows maybe it will be my lucky bracelet. Gosh I'm so excited, I'll let you know if I did it or not. Toodles!

Did y'all miss me?

Sorry for not updating, had a couple crazy weeks. I will be adding a bunch of stuff from those weeks so check by!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Go Away!

So halloweekend is here and a lot of my friends are partying it up and what nots, so for the chickas that just want to have fun and not come home prego or weird guys talking to them, well here is your solution. :D


I woke up feeling super cold and to my surprise it was snowing outside! Its only October but oh wells, none of it is sticking because of the rain, but I stood out in the cold for a bit to take a vid for ya guys :}

Monday, October 24, 2011

What the ..... ?

So I was kind of planning to write this another day, but I just had to. I am so shocked and cannot fathom that this happened. You have to see the video, because hands are still shaking to say anything. I can't breathe right now, and want to just cry. I can not have anything wrong done to a child it hurts me inside. just watch... what the fudgeee is wrong with these people?! -_____-

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Birthday!

My niece has been counting down to her birthday, she just turned 5. We did not throw a big party for her, but did have her friend come over, and of course can't forget the cake! Tinkerbell custom cake. She did get upset after cutting the cake because she thought her friend was going to steal her goodies that are on the cake (charms to make a necklace). It was soon resolved and she continued to party!

Friday, October 21, 2011

I have no identity!

I lost my social security card. It isn't even laminated and durable. I have no clue on where it is in this house. I am afraid to tell my parents that I lost it. I searched online to see how to get another one, and I have to fill out a form and provide proof that I am who I am. I had difficult getting into college, because they could not find me in the "citizen's list" and had to prove my citizenship showing them the certificate that I own. And now my new job is having the same difficulty. I am a citizen and I can prove it, darn I need a new card tho.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finally Employed

I feel like along with the employment history there should be a section of how many applications you filled out in your life. I have been tired of filling in my Name, Address, and all that awesome stuff over and over again. Then I go through the "omg i might get the job" phase, only to find out they never call me or they apologize with a letter. I have had one official job, and I did not even get to keep it bleh. I worked at J.C. Penney Portrait Studio. I loved the photography and all the adorable babiesss! I was pretty shy, so the job really got me out of my comfort zone and I grew from that. Improved in customer service, photography, and increased my sales average. Winter time was horrible. Crazy parents putting on crazy outfits on the children, yelling at us and all sorts of evil things. Happiness does not last long and I got laid off along with a bunch of others because they do not need a lot of people anymore. I said it was okay because I needed to put my focus back at school work, but I was crushed. It was my excuse to always go chill with people here and there, get money, and just do something instead of being bored at home. Have been unemployed for a year-ish. I applied to J.C. Penney again but this time the other departments. I was actually forced to apply because my sister works there. Went in for my interview, it was short and sweet, very sweeet. I walked in on a rainy dull day, walked out in the sun with a job. Its funny that it is in the same location, but at this time in my life, I don't mind a bit. yipeee! Training starts next week, wish me luck!

p.s. Tell me about a crazy time at work.

Lets Get Bloggin'

Ever since I was a little girl I have always tried to keep a diary, just hoping one day I would become famous and someone would want to publish my crazy life. Sadly, at the time that I was writing (which was around elementary school), life was not so interesting and soon enough I got tired of writing. I regret not continuing with it and kept telling myself I will start next year. I said the same thing anually. When life started taking a crazy turn in high school I just never wanted to forget any awesome and those not so awesome memories. My friend said something about an online program (not Blogger) and I was totally hype about it. Not only will it be published as I am writing, but I don't know, it just seemed AWESOME! My lazy self never got around to it. In college I am pressured to save up money for important payments such as gas, books, etc. So when I heard about getting paid to blog, I got on board. I did not know what to start off with, so I guess I just want to start this new journey of those childhood dreams of keeping up with a diary and tell the world I said HELLOOOOO!! :]
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